Colleagues Tanja Zdolšek Draksler and Matej Kovačič were part of the organizing committee of the conference “Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders: Care, Communication and Biomedical Challenges”, which took place on 6th and 7th June in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the Union Hotel, under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia. The event was an excellent opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange between different professionals and researchers (health care professionals, social workers, psychologists, researchers from different fields and students). All information available online: The emphasis was on networking between different disciplines.
In the scope of the involvement of our colleagues, they were also the chairs of the program focusing on digital health, specifically on data and AI. Moreover, in the scope of active research projects from our department, researcher Erik Novak from Department for AI@JSI, held an invited lecture titled: How Smart Tech Makes Health Records Smarter (PREPARE Solutions for Better Healthcare).
Special attention was given to the panel discussion titled Rethinking Healthcare with Digital Health Technology, which was moderated by Mojca Cvirn. The panelists were assistant professor dr. Vida Groznik, AI researcher from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tilen Recko, patient advocate from Altra, George Manias, AI researcher from the University of Pireus Research Center, Greece, Samo Zorc, expert on AI and regulation representing the Ministry of digital transformation, Slovenia and dr. Simon Rekanovič, MD (radiologist) and CEO of Viverius, Slovenia.