Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support
1 Dec 2018 – 30 Nov 2020
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The proposed project: “Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support” (hereafter: EnviroLENS) aims to widely open the doors towards regular usage of EO technologies in legal sector.
The goal of EnviroLENS is to deliver specific environmental governance and enforcement services that will enable immediate and EFFECTIVE environmental MONITORING and ENFORCEMENT → providing legal precedents thus, establishing a confidence base amongst user community → providing a motivation for policy/contract designers to construct statutory/legal solutions that clearly foresee the usage of EO data/services → boosting the employment of EO services in legal sector.
EnviroLENS delivers three types of innovations:
1. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Earth observation technology + Semantic data mining technology will be used to merge two seemingly unrelated domains (EO and legal domain) into a joint environmental enforcement eco-system.
2. CONCEPTUAL INNOVATIONS; EnviroLENS is delivering a cross-domain solution = not constrained by usage domain nor constrained by the type of EO service. The uniqueness of the EnviroLENS arises from its front-office capabilities; EnviroLENS can embrace any EO service and transform it by enriching it with new (LEGAL) added value.
3. COMMERCIAL INNOVATIONS are based on EnviroLENS open value chain strategy, the main idea being that anybody can contribute and receive commercial benefit out of his contribution.
The project is dedicated into the promotion of EO data as admissible court evidence, not just to change the ruling procedures, but to provide tenets for policy makers and lawyers to seriously consider usage of EO data as regular means of environmental control (making it part of regulations: laws and contracts).
EnviroLENS will create completely new market niche addressing LEGAL domain in areas of: Contractual management and Environmental governance. Project exibits high market potential with 30.000.000 EUR NPV and 35% IRR.
Contact Us
Jožef Stefan Institute
Centre for Knowledge Transfer in
Information Technologies (CT3)
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana
email: ct3@ijs.si
phone: +386 1 477 3593
fax: +386 1 477 3935