Colleagues Tanja Zdolšek Draksler and Alenka Guček are online attending the 12th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products (, which is fully hybrid and has over 1000 participants. We have 2 e-posters being presented, both in the...
This course is designed to provide learners around the globe with the foundational knowledge necessary to understand bias in artificial intelligence. It aims to democratize the knowledge of AI ethics, governance, and technical standards to ensure that future AI...
On Friday, April 12th 2024 there was an internal workshop titled “Gender Dimension in STEM research” at Jožef Stefan Institute. In the scope of good practices at JSI, Alenka Guček presented how the European project AI4Gov is addressing both the gender and other...
Sodelavci, ki delajo na Evropskem projektu AI4GOV “Trusted AI for Transparent Public Governance fostering Democratic Values” (“Zaupanja vredna umetna inteligenca za pregledno javno upravo, ki spodbuja demokratične vrednote”) bodo sodelovali na konferenci Privacy days,...
Students from the University of Ljubljana (SI) and the University of Nova Gorica (SI), under the supervision of Dr Marusa T. Veber (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana) and Dr Matej Kovačič (IRCAI & JSI), carried out their study projects on the use of AI and...