Dear visitors,
The Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies (CT3) at the Jožef Stefan Institute has joined IRCAI, the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO, as of January 2025.
We invite you to continue following our work and activities in artificial intelligence on the IRCAI website and our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). The CT3 website will remain active until the end of 2025.
We look forward to staying connected!
CT3 Team
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Dragi obiskovalci,
Obveščamo vas, da se je Center za prenos znanja na področju informacijskih tehnologij (CT3) na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” z novim letom 2025 priključil IRCAI, Mednarodnemu raziskovalnemu centru za umetno inteligenco pod okriljem UNESCA.
Vabimo vas, da naše delo in aktivnosti na področju umetne inteligence spremljate še naprej na IRCAI spletni strani in družbenih omrežjih (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). CT3 spletna stran bo ostala aktivna še do konca leta 2025.
Veselimo se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z vami!
Ekipa CT3
Following the success of VideoLectures.NET, recognized by the UN and UNESCO as one of the most outstanding examples of creative and innovative e-Content in the world in the last decade, the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia has successfully established a UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Learning.
The Chair is serving to promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation on online and open learning. It is facilitating collaboration between high-level, internationally recognized researchers and teaching staff of the Institute and other institutions around the world.

Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW)
An online mentoring program supports the development and implementation of open educational resources on topics with social impact according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Slovenian Open EducationAL Library (KOIS)
The initiative seeks to encourage the development and implementation of the Open Educational Resources (OER), which contributes to improving the quality and efficiency of education in Slovenia.

Opening up Slovenia
Opening up Slovenia is a bottom-up created initiative in which Slovenia as a first European member state will attempt to create a unique nationwide research environment in open education.
Launch of the Dynamic Coalition for the UNESCO OER Recommendation
Today, March 2, 2020, UNESCO launched the Dynamic Coalition for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Recommendation. The launch coincides with the Mobile Learning Week, a United Nations’ flagship event on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education.
In January Open Education for a Better World mentoring programme launched its first webinar in the series of one per month and we already streamed a second one. First tackled the basics of OER developing and mentoring, while second introduced file formats and tools used for adaptation and hosting of OER.
OE4BW mentoring programme 2020
This year 82 developers will be guided online towards development and implementation of their OERs with the help and expertise of 73 mentors. The scale of this years´ OE4BW mentoring programme has substantially amplified organisational efforts, so University of Nova Gorica and Jožef Stefan Institute as managers of the OE4BW mentoring programme will cooperate with 6 OE4BW hubs operated by 9 hub coordinators.
Open Education Design Workshop 2019
OE4BW Initiators organized a 4-day Open Education Design Workshop with focus on hands-on experience which took place in July 1-4, 2019 at the Lanthieri Mansion in Vipava, Slovenia.
Contact Us
Jožef Stefan Institute
Centre for Knowledge Transfer in
Information Technologies (CT3)
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana
phone: +386 1 477 3593
fax: +386 1 477 3935
Design by Ana Fabjan