On Friday, September 1st 2023, project partner Jožef Stefan Institute presented the AI4GOV project at the University of Brasilia. The lecture with the title: “AI and the future of building and sharing knowledge: Revolutionising learning experiences based on open data”...
Na Centru smo prejšnji teden, med 15. in 18. novembrom 2021, pod budnim očesom koordinatorke Špele Sitar izvedli Usposabljanje za izvajanje učenja na daljavo in izdelavo prosto dostopnih izobraževalnih gradiv. Izobraževanja, ki je potekalo prek spleta, se je udeležilo...
H2020 INFINITECH project partners are presenting at the session “Data Driven AI for Financial Services” which is a part of the European Big Data Value Forum, a flagship event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community organized by...
Earlier this month COG-LO H2020 Project partners Dr Miha Cimperman, researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute, and Alen Kahvedžić, project manager at Pošta Slovenije, presented the Cognitive Adviser tool at the virtual conference Parcel+Post Expo 2020. In detail,...
In this month’s issue of Parcel and Postal Technology magazine there are pages dedicated to the upcoming virtual conference Parcel+Post Expo 2020 where in the scope of the COG-LO H2020 Project Dr Miha Cimperman, researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute, and Alen...