Dear visitors,
The Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies (CT3) at the Jožef Stefan Institute has joined IRCAI, the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO, as of January 2025.
We invite you to continue following our work and activities in artificial intelligence on the IRCAI website and our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). The CT3 website will remain active until the end of 2025.
We look forward to staying connected!
CT3 Team
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Dragi obiskovalci,
Obveščamo vas, da se je Center za prenos znanja na področju informacijskih tehnologij (CT3) na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” z novim letom 2025 priključil IRCAI, Mednarodnemu raziskovalnemu centru za umetno inteligenco pod okriljem UNESCA.
Vabimo vas, da naše delo in aktivnosti na področju umetne inteligence spremljate še naprej na IRCAI spletni strani in družbenih omrežjih (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). CT3 spletna stran bo ostala aktivna še do konca leta 2025.
Veselimo se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z vami!
Ekipa CT3
Keep up with the latest happening of the Centre’s active engagement in different European and national research projects, global and national initiatives and practices. Here the progress of our projects, news about events and initiatives is presented on a regular basis.
“Bias in Artificial Intelligence …and it’s influence on human rights”: AI4Gov at the 17th EUROSAI IT Working Group Meeting”
In 24th of September AI4Gov had a presentation at 17th meeting of the EUROSAI IT Working Group. The event was taking place in Norway, Oslo and...
Exciting news from Data For Policy 2024 conference in London!
The AI4Gov team is presenting at the Data for Policy 2024 conference in London this week. The conference, titled "Decoding the Future: Trustworthy...
Collaboration meeting in June (synergies)
Together with the University of Maribor (UM) from Slovenia we organized a collaboration meeting titled “AI4Gov-SOLARIS-TWON official meet-up in...
Global Conference on AI and Human Rights
AI4Gov partners were at the Global Conference on AI and Human Rights taking place between 13th and 14th June 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The...
Conference “Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders: Care, Communication and Biomedical Challenges”
Colleagues Tanja Zdolšek Draksler and Matej Kovačič were part of the organizing committee of the conference "Dialogues in Neurodegenerative...
ECRD 2024: Action within reach
Colleagues Tanja Zdolšek Draksler and Alenka Guček are online attending the 12th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products, which is fully hybrid and has over 1000 participants.
AI4Gov MOOC: “Trustworthy And Democratic AI – Fundamentals”
This course is designed to provide learners around the globe with the foundational knowledge necessary to understand bias in artificial...
Internal workshop: Gender Dimension in STEM research
On Friday, April 12th 2024 there was an internal workshop titled “Gender Dimension in STEM research” at Jožef Stefan Institute. In the scope of good...
Kako in kdaj v umetni inteligenci prihaja do pristranskosti
Sodelavci, ki delajo na Evropskem projektu AI4GOV “Trusted AI for Transparent Public Governance fostering Democratic Values” (“Zaupanja vredna...
New study: Artificial intelligence and the rights of older people
Students from the University of Ljubljana (SI) and the University of Nova Gorica (SI), under the supervision of Dr Marusa T. Veber (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana) and Dr Matej Kovačič (IRCAI & JSI), carried out their study projects on the use of AI and the rights of older people.
Lately, the European energy market has been unusually volatile. Policymakers and other users of European statistics often stress the need for...
Lecture at the University of Brasilia presenting the AI4GOV project
On Friday, September 1st 2023, project partner Jožef Stefan Institute presented the AI4GOV project at the University of Brasilia. The lecture with the title: “AI and the future of building and sharing knowledge: Revolutionising learning experiences based on open data” was aimed to the local academic circle of University of Brasilia.
At the conference SiKDD 2022 DATA MINING AND DATA WAREHAUSES, which is held within the International Multiconference on Information Society IS-2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia (October 10th, 2022), a paper based on the work in the project Infinitech will be presented: Using Machine Learning for Anti Money Laundering.
Eurostat organizes a series of competitions entitled "European Statistics Awards" in the fields of nowcasting and web intelligence. As part of the...
V torek, 24.5.2022 ob 17. uri, je v prostorih OOZ Ajdovščina potekala slavnostna otvoritev razstave OTROŠKI SANJSKI STROJI. Razstavo sta otvorila...
V torek, 24.5.2022 se je odvila razstava MyMachine Slovenija, kjer so bile razstavljene vse risbe sanjskih strojev in izdelanih prototipov. Dogodek je potekal v prostorih OOZ v Ajdovščini.
(Slo) ANKETA – uporaba umetne inteligence v proizvodnih procesih
V zadnjem času je bilo objavljenih veliko poslovnih novic in znanstvenih raziskav o pričakovanjih podjetij o možnostih uporabe umetne inteligence v...
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance
Within the H2020 project INFINITECH the consortium published an open book by Springer with title "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital...
EU-Japan.AI online community
The Centre for Knowledge Transfer in IT is part of the EU-Japan.AI project, which aims to support cooperation between EU and Japan in areas relevant...
Infinitech Marketplace – Solutions & Services for Finance
INFINITECH established a market platform called Infinitech Marketplace that provides access to solutions and services for finance, along with a...
Usposabljanje za izvajanje učenja na daljavo in izdelavo prosto dostopnih izobraževalnih gradiv
Na Centru smo prejšnji teden, med 15. in 18. novembrom 2021, pod budnim očesom koordinatorke Špele Sitar izvedli Usposabljanje za izvajanje učenja na daljavo in izdelavo prosto dostopnih izobraževalnih gradiv. Izobraževanja, ki je potekalo prek spleta, se je udeležilo 41 profesoric in profesorjev splošnih srednjih šol.
Infinitech-H2020 project partners presenting at the European Big Data Value Forum
The H2020 INFINTECH project is an EU flagship initiative with the participation of global leaders in ICT and finance facilitating BigData, IoT and AI driven innovation in the financial services industry. The international project features 42 partners from 16 countries. The Infinitech consortium partners will be presenting at the forum session “Data Driven AI for Financial Services” on November 5, 2020.
COG-LO’s Cognitive Adviser Tool
Watch the presentation of COG-LO’s Cognitive Adviser tool that enables logistics operators, retailers and other stakeholders to collaborate more effectively, improve response rates and increase assets utilization in order to provide the maximum benefit and quality of deliveries to the end consumers.
COG-LO H2020 work presented in the upcoming virtual conference Parcel+Post Expo 2020
Dr Miha Cimperman, researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute, and Alen Kahvedžić, project manager, cognitive logistics and expert specialist for innovations Pošta Slovenije, will present Cognitive Adviser tool in the talk titled “Cognitive logistics for future cross-border exchange with the Cognitive Advisor tool”.
Regijsko spletno posvetovanje za pripravo UNESCO Priporočila o etiki umetne inteligence
Regijski posvet se bo na spletu odvijal med 27. in 29. julijem, na njem pa bo sodelovalo več kot 70 strokovnjakov iz področja umetne inteligence in etike. UNESCO je k nominaciji strokovnjakov povabil vlade 24 držav, in sicer: Albanijo, Armenijo, Azerbajdžan, Belorusijo, Bosno in Hercegovino, Bolgarijo, Hrvaško, Češko, Estonijo, Gruzijo, Madžarsko, Latvijo, Litvo, Črno goro, Severno Makedonijo, Poljsko, Republiko Moldavijo, Romunijo, Rusko federacijo, Srbijo, Slovaško, Slovenijo in Ukrajino.
INFINITECH webinar “Fintech & Insurtech cases studies on Big Data, IoT and AI”
On 1st July 2020 as a part of the Fin&Tech Community 2020 online event an INFINITECH webinar titled “Fintech & Insurtech cases studies on Big Data, IoT and AI : focus on technologies that are changing Digital Finance in Europe” took place which aimed to present business cases in the financial and insurance sector based on the H2020 project INFINITECH.
X5gon a finalist of the 2019 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize
The Jury of the Prize has shortlisted X5gon among the top 10 out of 113 nominations. The nomination is a recognition of the project’s high quality and innovative use of Artificial Intelligence in education.
Usage of statistical modeling techniques in surface and groundwater level prediction
The paper by authors Klemen Kenda, Jože Peternelj, Dimitris Kofinas, Nikos Mellios, Matej Čerin, Jože Rožanec was published in the Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA.
WATER4CITIES integrated platform for holistic urban water management
In its final year, the Water4Cities H2020 project focuses on finalizing the integrated platform for holistic urban water management and Institut Jožef Stefan is working on decision support tool while integrating the monitoring, visualization services for smart urban water management.
MicroHE workshop on micro-credentials and blockchain certification
This Friday, March 13, 2020 in the scope of the MicroHE project a national workshop on micro-credentials and blockchain certification will take place hosted by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Agreement to establish the International Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO
Today Slovenia’s Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Dr Jernej Pikalo announced the signing of an official agreement establishing the International Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (IRCAI). Two representatives of the IRCAI, Mitja Jermol and Marko Grobelnik from Jožef Stefan Institute, introduced the first global centre for AI under the auspices of UNESCO.
Launch of the Dynamic Coalition for the UNESCO OER Recommendation
Today, March 2, 2020, UNESCO launched the Dynamic Coalition for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Recommendation. The launch coincides with the Mobile Learning Week, a United Nations’ flagship event on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education.
In January Open Education for a Better World mentoring programme launched its first webinar in the series of one per month and we already streamed a second one. First tackled the basics of OER developing and mentoring, while second introduced file formats and tools used for adaptation and hosting of OER.
H2020 NAIADES project meeting in Alicante
In January 2020 we participated in the H2020 NAIADES project consortium meeting in Alicante, Spain where the progress of the three pilot projects has been reviewed with a special focus on the city of Alicante. The project supports the modernization and digitization of water sector by providing a solution for the control and management of water ecosystems.
Water4Cities partners on secondment
Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of the H2020 EU project Water4Cities staff exchanges among different partners are highly encouraged. Close collaborations of researchers in different research areas enable partners to discuss current issues and seek optimal solutions for urban water management infrastructure more efficiently.
On January 23rd and 24th, 2020 more than 80 participants were searching for state-of-the-art digital solutions for developing new products based on X5gon platform services. The hackaton that took place at the Pošta Slovenije in Maribor was one of the largest in Slovenia.
CyberSANE to transform security incident detection and handling systems
EU-funded project CyberSANE has now got its own website up and running. There you can find all the information regarding the project´s objectives, meetings, pilots and consortium that we are a part of. A good way to start is by checking out their recent press release where you get the project in a nutshell.
From preschoolers to students – towards open, creative and fun learning for all
The Centre is involved in various projects where young people of all levels are introduced hands-on to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Our mission is to promote open education, collaboration, innovation and creativity among the younger generations (from preschoolers to students).
ACM High School Competition in Computer Science and Informatics
Today is the last day to apply to the High School Competition in Computer Science and Informatics that will take place on Friday, January 24, 2020. The high school competition is the entry point for participation in the national competition.
A Cybersecurity Incident Handling, Warning and Response System
At the end of the year 2019 we started working on the ‘Cyber Security Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures (CyberSANE)’ project. CyberSANE aims to enhance the security and resilience of Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs) by providing a dynamic collaborative, warning and response system.
OE4BW mentoring programme 2020
This year 82 developers will be guided online towards development and implementation of their OERs with the help and expertise of 73 mentors. The scale of this years´ OE4BW mentoring programme has substantially amplified organisational efforts, so University of Nova Gorica and Jožef Stefan Institute as managers of the OE4BW mentoring programme will cooperate with 6 OE4BW hubs operated by 9 hub coordinators.
X5gon Platform to Be Used in the Innovative IT Sprint
X5gon will be involved in an Innovative IT Sprint event, a two-day event organized by Pošta Slovenije on January 23rd and 24th, 2020, where technology enthusiasts and innovative individuals will look for new technological solutions for advanced learning and paperless business with the help of modern technologies.
NAIADES holistic solution for smart water management
NAIADES aims to address the increased need for sustainable and eco-friendly water methodologies by defining a new ICT framework. Driven by the need to yield an end-to-end, uniform approach, NAIADES redefines water management by taking into consideration issues pertaining to cost, safety, complexity, vulnerability, societal acceptance, user behaviour and ethics.
Water4Cities data integration
In scope of the Water4Cities project we together with AiLab have been working on integrating data to develop the necessary models and associated platform that will enable water providers and relevant stakeholders to monitor in real-time the urban water resources.
Open Education Design Workshop 2019
OE4BW Initiators organized a 4-day Open Education Design Workshop with focus on hands-on experience which took place in July 1-4, 2019 at the Lanthieri Mansion in Vipava, Slovenia.
Knowledge Graph for Public Procurement
TheyBuyForYou, a three year initiative bringing together researchers, innovators and public administrations from 5 European countries, announces the first release of the knowledge graph for public procurement, integrating tender and company data.
From information security to cybercrime
Infosec seminars are organized as a series of regular monthly lectures on information security, cyber defense, cybercrime and digital forensics.
Contact Us
Jožef Stefan Institute
Centre for Knowledge Transfer in
Information Technologies (CT3)
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana
phone: +386 1 477 3593
fax: +386 1 477 3935
Design by Ana Fabjan